Public Affairs- APPG

The APPG for women in contact with the justice system

What is the APPG for women in contact with the justice system?

We organise the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Women in contact with the justice system (APPG). This helps us influence politicians and put forward suggestions for change in the system. We became the secretariat for the APPG in 2023. This was previously held by the Howard League for Penal Reform (under the name the APPG for women in the penal system).

The APPG’s purpose is to increase the knowledge and awareness of the experiences of women in contact with the justice system and promote approaches that reduce criminalisation and meet women’s needs.

Which Parliamentarians are involved?

  • Kate Osamor MP, Chair
  • Baroness Hodgson of Abinger, Vice Chair
  • Baroness Burt of Solihull, Vice Chair
  • Dame Caroline Dinenage, Officer
  • Baroness Gohir, Officer
  • The Lord Bishop of Gloucester, Officer


Women in Prisons Director of External Affairs and Campaigns, Nicola Drinkwater is clerk for the group. The group is registered in the Register of APPGs.

The minutes for the APPG can be found here:


Annual General Meeting Minutes- 10th May
