Our Women's Centres
We advocate for investment in the Women’s Centres model which provides a safe, non-judgemental space for women to access all the support they need under one roof, build friendships and engage in workshops. Our Women’s Centres are part of a national network that you can read more about in our campaigns.
WomenMATTA in Greater Manchester

St Wilfrid's Enterprise Centre
Royce Road
M15 5BJ
t. 0161 232 1778
e. [email protected]
WomenMATTA is a Women's Centre in Manchester that provides intense, holistic support to women affected by the criminal justice system and to those at risk.
The Centre provides women with a safe and homely space in which to access gender-specialist support services. It is a 'one-stop-shop' offering group work, one-to-one and counselling supporting women around:
- Domestic violence/sexual abuse
- Mental health
- Substance misuse and alcohol addiction
- Debt or money issues
- Parenting support
- Housing and homelessness
- Education and employment
- General emotional well-being and physical well-being
The Centre has a clothing bank and IT access. As well as providing support
services it also offers a creative and community space where drama and
art workshops, theatre trips, a gardening project and many more activities take place!
The Beth Centre in Lambeth, London

Hudson House
1 Stockwell Green
Agencies can make a referral by completing our referral form and sending it to: [email protected]
Or call us for a referral form:
0203 869 2170
Lambeth women can self-refer by calling us or dropping in on Wednesdays between 10am-4pm or Fridays between 1pm-4pm
Facebook: /Beth.Centre
The Beth Centre was set up in January 2014 and is a safe and confidential space providing expert support for women living in Lambeth at risk of, or affected by the criminal justice system. We aim to reduce re-offending rates, develop positive familial relationships and reduce the use of custody, for women.
Our full time Case Management Workers have specialisms in substance misuse, release from prison, mental health, exiting prostitution, domestic violence and parenting. Case Managers provide support based on women’s individual needs. This support includes advice, advocacy and information around:
- Housing
- Welfare Benefits
- Education
- Employment
- Finances and debt
- Harmful substance use
- Health
- Parenting Support
- Court
- Leaving Prison
- Exiting prostitution
A Peer Mentoring Co-ordinator supports a bank of 15 Peer Mentors who provide goal-orientated support, focusing on increasing the woman’s confidence and independence.
The centre has fully furnished one-to-one assessment space, access to computers and the internet. It also offers a comprehensive group workshop timetable, where women can be creative, learn independent living skills and develop positive social networks.
South London Women's Hubs

The South London Women's Hubs project is supported by MOPAC (Mayor of London Office for Policing and Crime) and run in partnership with Pecan. It offers safe and confidential space for advice and support for women affected by the criminal justice system in the following locations:
- Lambeth
- Southwark
- Sutton
- Croydon
- Wandsworth
- Lewisham
- Bromley
The Hubs provide one-to-one practical and emotional support, group workshops, Peer Mentoring and drop-in advice sessions.
Women are supported to address a range of needs, including:
- Housing
- Welfare Benefits
- Education
- Employment
- Finances and debt
- Harmful substance use
- Health
- Parenting
- Court
- Leaving prison
- Exiting prostitution
- Domestic abuse