WIP responds to Justice Select Committee Report

WIP responds to the Justice Select Committee report into women in prison

The Justice Select Committee published their report into women in prison on 26th July 2022 concluding there has been limited progress by the government in developing alternatives to prison for women.

Sonya Ruparel, Chief Executive of Women in Prison says:

“Prison is a dead end that tears families apart. Women in Prison welcomed the Government’s 2018 commitment to reducing the women’s prison population. But, yet another report has concluded that there hasn’t been enough progress. There is a significant risk of the women’s prison population rising by a third over the next three years. This will push more families into poverty, affect family relationships and women’s mental health.

We can and must change this – and the time to act is now.

Women’s Centres are a vital alternative to prison, as they tackle the underlying issues that sweep women into contact with the criminal justice in the first place. Issues of poverty, including homelessness and mental ill health can only be supported in the communities where women live. The Government must focus on alternatives to prison by investing in community-based services such as Women’s Centres that address the root causes of crime.”